Aam Papad

Aam Papad Ingredients:-

Mango pulp (any ripe mango) – 500grams
Sugar – 100 grams
Cardamom powder – 1/3 tsp
Ghee/oil – 2 tsp

Aam Papad Recipe

1. To make aam papad, you have to take 700 grams of mangoes. After removing its peel and pulp, 500 grams of pulp have come out. You have to take 100 grams of sugar.

2. First of all, you have to put the pulp of mango in a blending jar and not water required in this, you have to make a paste of it.

3. Now you take cooking pan, you will put the mango paste, then you will add sugar in it, mix sugar with mango paste. You will cook this sugar and mango paste for at least 18 to 20 minutes at Low medium flame.

4. So, you have cooked it on low medium and look at it, it has become much thicker than before it was. Then you will add one-third teaspoons of cardamom powder in it and mix it. Then you will turn off the gas. Our mixture is ready.

5. After that you will it on plate and grease it with ghee. Now you will spread our mixture in plate and rotate the plate once in every direction so that it gets set evenly. Do this very quickly because as soon as the mango cools down.

6. It is done, now you will dry this mixture in the sun for 2-3 days, when you will see that it has dried well from both the sides. Then you have cut it into pieces. Our aam papad is ready.


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